Berra Sarı
3 min readJun 14, 2023

What is a Pull Request in GitHub?

A pull request is a feature of GitHub’s version control system. It allows collaborators on a repository to work together by submitting contributions as changes to files in the repository. One collaborator can suggest changes to a file and another can inspect the proposed changes and accept or reject them.

How to Make a Pull Request in GitHub

  1. Fork the Repository: The collaborator who wants to suggest changes to the repository needs to first create their own copy — or “fork” — of the repository.
  2. Create a Branch: Once the collaborator has their own version of the project, they can create a new branch (or “topic branch”) to contain their changes.
  3. Make and Commit Changes: On the new branch, the collaborator can make and commit changes to the files in the repository.
  4. Push Changes to Forked Repository: The collaborator can then push the changes to their forked repository.
  5. Create a Pull Request: The collaborator can then create a “pull request” from their forked repository back to the original repository. This is the request that the original repository owner can view and accept or reject.
  6. Discuss and Review Code: In order for the pull request to be accepted, the repository owner needs to review the proposed changes and discuss them with the collaborator.
  7. Merge the Pull Request: Once the repository owner is satisfied with the changes, they can merge the pull request and apply it to the original repository.


Q: What is the difference between a pull request and a commit?

A: A commit is a snapshot of the state of a repository. A pull request is a request to merge one branch of a repository with another branch.

Q: When should I use a pull request?

A: Pull requests are most often used when two collaborators are working together on a project. They allow the collaborators to submit changes and have them reviewed and approved by the repository owner before being applied to the main codebase.

Q: What is the advantage of using pull requests?

A: Pull requests are an important tool for collaboration, especially when working in teams. They allow code changes to be reviewed for correctness and correctness before being applied to the main codebase. They also provide a way to track changes made to code over time.

Q: What is the difference between a pull request and a merge?

A: A pull request is a request to merge one branch of a repository with another branch. A merge is the actual process of applying the changes from the pull request to the main codebase.

Q: When should I use a pull request instead of a merge?

A: When two collaborators are working together on a project, it is best to use pull requests. This allows the changes to be reviewed and approved by the repository owner before being applied to the main codebase. This helps ensure that the code is correct and that any potential bugs or security problems are fixed before they reach the main codebase.

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